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A Free Pep Talk for Facilitators:

When you need encouragement to keep going with your work.

Feeling doubt? You're not alone.

This pep talk is here to remind you: the old ways are designed for the world we’re leaving behind. 

Your work, your ideas, your way of doing things—it’s exactly what the new world needs.

There are days when *I* wonder if any of the work I do matters.

I sometimes ruminate over whether or not my workshops, my ideas, or my way of doing things will ever make the impact I dream about.

(We all know intent and impact are not the same!)

On those days, I give myself a pep talk. I remind myself of the bigger picture—that the old world wasn’t built for equity, creativity, or liberation, and because of that, we are building something new. Which is HARD!

I need to remember I’m not alone in this work. It’s worthwhile and matters to a lot of people. 

And I thought…

Maybe you could use this reminder too?

This free audio is a gift from me to you.
Calling it a hug ‘from my mouth to your ears’ is strange, but maybe accurate? 😅

Alongside connecting with the other humans in my life, the ideas in this pep talk are what I turn to when I need to keep going. When the doubt creeps in. When the pressure to ‘do it all’ feels heavy.

I hope it lifts you up the way it lifts me. 💛

What's inside:

Here’s what a few people had to say after listening to this pep talk:👇🏽

how it works


Find a quiet moment to listen—whether it’s right before a session or while you’re winding down after a tough day.


Let the words and music wash over you. Picture the people in this with you, and how your work could shape the future. ✨✨


Play the pep talk again whenever you need to feel supported and inspired. 
(Download it, or just stream each time)

ready to listen?

Click below to listen to the free pep talk. No strings attached—just a moment of encouragement for you, from me. 😘


One final reminder:

This work you’re doing—the workshops, the conversations, the spaces you create—might feel small some days, but…

Small things are still meaningful, and can add up.

The old world was built by a series of small things, coalescing over time.
So, it makes sense that this new world, the one we’re building together – it’ll be built over time, too.

It’s growing with every step each of us takes, every moment of connection we create.

This pep talk is here to remind you:

You’re not alone.
You’re part of something so much bigger.

And you’re exactly what this new world needs.

Please keep going!

Any feedback?


Do you see a pink, heart-shaped speech bubble at the bottom of the screen? If you click on that, you can send me your notes in a text!

I’d love to know how this made you feel. And if you have any ideas for future pep talks, send em my way! 


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