Let’s collaborate to craft your Revolutionary* Workshop Experience

Me. You.
Four-part intensive.

Currently $500 off the $2,500 CAD investment.

*What makes workshops revolutionary anyway?

So many of the workshops I see are hiiiighly conventional, replicating the oppression we’re trying to liberate ourselves from.

(The hierarchy of power, the shiny perfectionism, the urgent rush of information.)

And let's be honest - conventional workshops are also boring.

I’m all about using Worldbuilding to make workshops that shake things up and spark real change.

Worldbuilding is using that wild imagination of yours to design a world (big or small) that’s different from the one we live in.

Whether you’re:
💛 helping people have deeper conversations in their day-to-day relationships,
🎨 supporting people of colour as they regulate their nervous system with watercolours, or
🌱 making sure coffee’s still around for future generations (because colonizers ruin everything, even things they love)…

You’re worldbuilding in your own unique way.

Even just imagining something different is a radical and revolutionary act!

I love that The Nap Ministry has communal napping experiences – complete with plush pillows and gentle live music! They create a world where capitalism and urgency don’t call the shots, and it’s okay to take time to luxuriate in rest. What a vibe.

In the context of workshops, worldbuilding allows for people to step into experiences and be immersed in them.

Much juicier than reading off a slide deck.

It's part escapism,
part activism,
part art.

Revolutionary workshops remember this key truth:

The role of your workshop is to make the revolution tangible.

By using worldbuilding, we can craft workshops that get people taking action – during AND after the time together. 


We make revolutionary ideas both accessible and actionable.

Here are the 8 Worldbuilding Elements that create well-rounded, nuanced worlds:

Using these elements, you can layer together any kind of world you’d like to see.

Some examples highlighting how you might use these elements?

You could create a world: 

Using the Element of Language to create a world where people set & maintain boundaries. 

🌎  Y’all craft and send out messages with guidance on specific words and phrases to use.

Using the Element of Religion to create a world where communal wisdom, playfulness and even the smallest of actions are sacred.

🌍  Sessions start with a joyful ritual of everyone celebrating small wins. 

Using the Element of Magic & Technology to create a world where people aren’t so dang serious all the time, and pay attention to their bodily needs.

🌏  Taking time for regular somatic check-ins, games, and breaks to dance away the stress.

Using the Element of Environment to create a world where urgency melts away.

🌎 Exercises aren’t rushed. things are calm, slow paced, and spacious. 

During the Intensive, we’ll use the Experience Revolution framework to map out what these 8 Elements look like, and then create a workshop that brings them to life. 

So, what's this whole Experience Revolution thing?

The Experience Revolution framework is a repeating cycle (think: multiple revolutions 😉) .

Each cycle through makes your workshop better and more impactful over time.

The intensive is one focused round of this with me, but you can do this on your own as many times as you want, with as many different workshops as you desire.

Even if we don’t work together I think the framework is helpful, so I’ll outline the process👇🏽

It consists of
three repeating stages:









Envision the world of your workshop:
What do you want your participants to experience?
How can you create an environment that supports the kind of world you’d actually like to live in?

Let your imagination run free and dream up all kinds of juicy details for each of 8 Worldbuilding Elements.

Where most people go wrong is by not Dream-ing enough first, so their later decisions don’t have many roots. People tend to do what they’ve commonly seen done. Often this results in supporting a world that they don’t actually want.

Dream first, then Design!



Time to bring that dream to life! This is where you get down to making decisions on how your workshop’s gonna flow, what’s in it, and what activities will get people all in.

Instead of 

Bio ➡️ Content ➡️ Q&A ➡️ Sales pitch

What if you did…

Game ➡️ Group Discussion ➡️ Debate

Story ➡️ Colouring ➡️ Time capsule


Create agenda together ➡️ Let things unfold

How would that be different?



This is where you bring the dream to life, testing out the structure and activities you designed. Invite people in to your world – have a workshop!

In this ‘Do’ phase of the revolution, you get to enjoy living in the world you built and see how others add to it.

How do people respond to what you share?
What do they contribute?
How do they interact with each other?
What decisions do they make?

Their input might change the world you initially dreamt of – and that’s okay!

Repeat, repeat, repeat!

Take what you’ve learned (both from your experience and theirs!) and tweak the Dream, polish up the Design, and go back in for another round.

Workshops that follow this cycle get better and better with time. Another benefit? It removes the pressure to get it “perfect” the first time.


What will we do during our 4-part Experience?

When you book through the link below, you’ll secure the full, four part process.

Each part is designed to help you craft a Revolutionary Workshop. Nothing cookie-cutter.

It’s all tailored to you, your world-changing ideas, and your people.

Here's how it looks: 👇🏽

(click » to expand):

Session 1 ✨ Dream Day

Before we meet, I’ll dive into anything you send me about your current workshop or the vision you’re dreaming up. Then, we’ll spend a full day on Voxer,  exploring your workshop’s big picture: What kind of world do you want to create? How do you want people to feel during and after your session? What could be fun to do? What’s the vibe?

As you share your ideas, I’ll be right there offering feedback, asking questions, and helping you refine the Dream phase.

Super casual, and a ton of fun – we’ll chat as we walk our dogs, soak up some sun, or take breaks for leisurely lunches. No rush, just good vibes and Worldbuilding. You can even take breaks for client calls if needed! We’ve got the whole day, so we can take time to think things through between messages.

By the end of the day, we’ll have The 8 Worldbuilding Elements of your workshop mapped out and ready to bring to life.

It might look something like this:

Session 2 ✨ Design Session


A week or two later, we’ll meet for an in-depth Zoom session to build out your workshop’s design. We’ll get specific on structure, flow, and activities that will immerse participants in your world. The MetaPattern template I’ll give you makes this a breeze.

We’ll layer in the 8 Worldbuilding Elements that we established in the Dream stage to make sure your workshop has the depth, engagement, and transformation you’re actually aiming for.

Expect to leave with a solid plan that reflects your values and makes change feel tangible.

Session 3 ✨ Doing Your Workshop

I’ll show up live, engage with you, your participants, and your material! If you prefer (but less ideal) you can send me a recording. Using my frameworks and your priorities as a guide, I’ll watch for things like participant engagement, information design, atmosphere, time management, additional worldbuilding opportunities, etc.

During the session and over the following days I’ll capture my thoughts to share with you when we meet up next. Here’s a screenshot of my notetaking doc, which starts as 7 pages:

Session 4 ✨ Revolve & Evolve

We’ll connect again a few days after your workshop to debrief your workshop: discuss what we both noticed, thought and felt. Time to celebrate what was awesome, then brainstorm how to make future sessions even better.

If you’ve captured participant feedback, we can analyze that too – we’re assessing how the experience landed compared to what we originally dreamed up. “Does the Dream need to change? How about the Design?” We’ll set the direction for the next revolution of your experience.

I’ll stick around on Voxer for the following week to provide any extra support around integrating ideas that come up as you reflect and plan for future iterations.

A Revolutionary Workshop, grounded in Worldbuilding, is your chance to:

Let’s co-create a Revolutionary Workshop,
in 4 focused
(and super fun) sessions over the next month-ish.

Together, we’ll move you a cycle closer to your ideal workshop—one that feels more aligned with your vision and supports the world you’re dreaming of.

This is a space for you to explore, experiment, and build something transformative, with guidance and support every step of the way.

Currently $500 off the $2,500 CAD investment.