Workshop strategy for change makers 💛

You look at some of the systems in our society and question…

“Why are we STILL doing things this way?”

Well, I wonder that about workshops. All. The. Time.

The status quo isn’t great. We can do soooo much better. Workshops can be a vehicle for social change.

Re-Imagining Workshops⚡️

The people I work with want their workshops to be more conversational and fun, but wonder:

“How do I loosen the reins without losing control or watering down the content?”

They feel pressure to prove themselves and be taken seriously…

despite being completely brilliant and having YEARSSS of experience.


If you’ve been fighting your whole life just to be heard, it’s harder to pass the mic when you finally have it.

(especially when you know you’ve got tha juice to actually, truly help people.)

Conventional presentation strategies teach us we should “captivate” people.

Dazzle them with brilliance.

Overdeliver with amazing content.

But what ends up happening when you pack in so much knowledge? 


The core of engagement issues comes when: 

You’re the star.

You’re the expert.

…There’s no reason (or space!) for them to add anything.

Plus, even if there was, they’re too busy thinking about everything you’ve just said.

People start to sit back and passively consume what you’re saying.

The engagement that comes from following conventional webinar strategies is frustrating. Both the quality and the quantity are lacking.

And so it makes sense that people focus on ways to “increase engagement”, when what we really need is to question the formats and style we’ve been using all along.



Why Activating Your Inner Activist is Key to Improving Your Workshops



Here’s a video of me explaining the basics of my framework, ‘The Prism of ACES’



Wanna enchant-ify your workshop? Choose the option that matches how you like to work best!

*Revolutionize* your workshop in 4 weeks...

During this video course you’ll build the beginnings of a new world that’ll make your next workshop a more engaging, inclusive, and memorable experience.

Hi! I'm Amber👋🏽

Here, we explore enchanting workshop design, so you can create experiences you’re proud to invite people into.

I help solopreneurs design workshops that are meaningful (and fun!) introductions to their work.

Workshops that are:
✨ true to your personality & values
✨ inclusive of & adaptive to the people in the room
✨ engaging, interesting, & memorable 
✨ transformative for attendees

 I’m all about moving away from “workshops” modelled after the style of dusty ol’ professors, culty marketing bros, and robotic corporate CEOs who love the sound of their own voices. 👀 

Why are overly-intellectualized lectures or shiny sales pitches the current defaults? 

Enchanting workshop experiences can subtly shift the culture of our society.

Let’s re-imagine workshops as playful, perspective-shifting time, full of social and experiential learning.

(If we’re being honest, I think we can agree those are much more enjoyable to host AND to attend!) 

This is my movement.
I hope you’ll join in.


Love Notes

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